Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hike up your Skirt!

Have any of you Atlantans ever picked up the free skirt! magazine? I love browsing through it and picked up the March copy yesterday at my local Whole Foods. This is the cover art, by Penelope Dullaghan. The mag is fresh, edgy (read: sometimes offensive, which I enjoy, I think it is good to be reminded that not everyone agrees with me) and it is all about women. There are so many remarkable women in our area who are doing amazing things with their time, talent and money, and I just like learning about them.

For example: Here is a fabulous web site that sells affordable originals by budding artists: 20x200

And there was an article called "Gently Used" written by a SAHM who previously had quite the writing career. She has come to love her new position, finding in it more purpose than anything she had done prior, but missing certain aspects of her old life before kids. Women deal with challenges such as this that most men never face... I think it is because we are the stronger, wiser and more discerning of the species - we generally have an "I can do it all" attitude where most men are singly focused :). I consider it an honor to now be home with Kai, but also know that God is brewing up something in me that is bigger than I ever thought possible.. I am woman, hear me roar.


Ben Bubar said...

Suddenly, I'm worried about going's that "roar" part.
Would you say it's more like a lion or a kitten?
Actually, on second thought, a lion may not be that bed! Oh!

whatever_heather said...

Ha! are so bad!

Great post, VA. In fact, JUST what I needed to hear right now...

Autumn said...

Ditto! God always plans something bigger...but do we choose to accept it? Maybe sometimes we don't realize part of the bigger is already here. SAHM don't need to put EVERYTHING on hold...

Maybe that will be the subject of my next "Monday's Mommy Myth"

Oh...BTW Wow...didn't expect that comment from Ben. Who knew?

lcm0709 said...

I'm too tired to roar... :(