Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ridiculitis Exhibit A

Ok, this is a perfect example of why the word "ridiculitis" has become a part of my vocabulary. My hubby (the wonderful, gorgeous man that he is) is constantly pulling stunts that are just.... just RIDICULOUS... He asked this afternoon if he could help with the meal I was making (an African stew - turned out wonderful, btw :) to which I gratefully said sure! please peel these potatoes... this is what he left for me, giggling as he walked away from the cutting board:


Steve and Aimee Walker said...

could you post the stew recipe?

whatever_heather said...

I swear, he and Adam are TOO much alike! Too funny.
Was it from the cookbook??

Handlyrics said...

Absolutely Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

This gives new meaning to "Mr. Potato Head."

Virginia said...

HAHA! Laura that really made me Laugh loudly! ?Are all men this way, or is it just Ben & Adam?

whatever_heather said...

Haha! I had to come back and see the comments on this one, and Laura made me choke on my salad! Dang, that girl's funny!

ErinM said...

That's something Jason would have done!

Laura, you kill me.

Christina said...

Darn all of you for making me laugh out loud in class :) Absolutely hysterical.

Anonymous said...

I have to add a comment...very very funny...and i need a good chuckle....and BTW I have a sneaking feeling "most" men are like that....

Anonymous said...

anonymous is me HE HE (at least this time.)

Renee said...

Too Funny!