Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Transitioning to mommy-hood is going great, mostly.. I am sure my struggles are probably typical of all moms & dads, ... We are still having bed time issues - like last night.. I went to a Bikram class (will post on that later) and Ben was on duty solo.. He got Kai into bed at 6:30, which seems really early, but still he was so tired he cried on and off until well past when I got home at 8:30.. Ben was exhausted and in a snippy mood from trying to get Kai to sleep for 2 hours. Sometimes he eats, sometimes he doesn't.. sometimes he poops, sometimes he doesn't.. All in all I would say he is a pretty easy baby, but there is one thing that really bothers me..

He won't look at me..

Well, that is not entirely true, he does look at me sometimes, he just won't look at me when I am giving him a bottle. Sitting in his chair eating, sure. When I call his name, yup. I walk into his room to get him from a nap, definitely. When we are sitting taking a bottle, no way. The sleeping thing I know we will get through, whatever, but this.. this hurts.. I try talking to him, redirecting his head, repositioning, pulling out the nipple to get his attention, nothing works.. It's like he knows what I want and refuses. Which I know isn't true, but it feels that way!

?Suggestions from anyone who has gone through this??


ErinM said...

Oh Virginia, I can imagine how hard that is. It sounds like you're already trying the things that I would have suggested (only giving him the bottle when he makes eye contact, taking it out until he looks at you, etc.), so I don't have any words of advice but I know it's hard. I wish there were something I could suggest! (((HUGS)))

Leah said...

This was hard from me too. My son would not look at my when feeding either. Feeding via bottle in your arms is super intimate and personal. Don't force him, give him time...a LOT of time...he will come around. I did day after day of skin on skin activities like baths etc and this helped things progress. We are well bonded now (after two years) but those first 12 months where no joke. You are a great mom and your son is doing wonderful! Keep up the good work.

Lauren said...

Have you talked with your doctor about your concern? They may have a suggestion for you. I will pray that this phase ends quickly. God Bless!
