Friday, May 23, 2008

3 Months Home

I know everyone always says it, but I can't believe how quickly these last few months have gone. & I am exhausted.. Sorry I haven't posted more often, I don't have a good excuse, just nothing particularly interesting.. wake up, change diaper, feed baby, make coffee, play, nap, (try to shower), run errands, think about dinner, eat, say hi to Norman {dog} - what, you need a walk?, comfort screaming banshee, Ben's home & whoops I forgot dinner, dishes, make more bottles, and bed.. that is about it these days.. I am enjoying it, but considering I am home most of the day I am wiped out.. I am so grateful that Kai sleeps until 8am everyday!

He is getting bigger, we have his 9 month check up in a few weeks, hoping he's gained a ton. He is doing really well with his eating and to make mommy proud he loves his green veggies the most! He is not so fond of fruit actually, would much prefer broccoli :)



ErinM said...

One day, when you're not completely exhausted, do you want to get together? I'm home with the boys for the rest of the summer! I can't believe that we're about to do our 3 month post-placement also!

Lauren said...

Kai is just a doll :-) Congratulations on three months home!

Kristin said...

Hi Guys. What a crazy adventure it's been. Congrats! Three months is such a big deal, I'm not sure why, but it feels huge. Kai looks as gorgeous as ever. Zach and I think of you often. We are doing great! Miss you. K & Z & T

Martha said...

oh virginia, he is a doll! those eyes and how much he has grown. we are so happy for you guys! love martha

Catherine said...

How cute! I know you are loving all of it!